Privacy Policy


Amana Bank protects client personal information when providing each of our services and our client means a lot for us,

This privacy policy describes how we collect and use your personal information through our services on our Amana Pay Application, personal information means information that can identify a specific customer but does not include aggregated information that does not specifically identify the customer.

Acquisition of personal information

Amana Pay will properly acquire your personal information and will not use it for false or other improper means.

Information to be collected

The types of customer personal information we collect are as follows:

(1)    Information provided by the customer

Email address

Information (name, date of birth, telephone number, address, etc.) entered on our website, applications, etc. while using our services

(2)    Information automatically collected

Device information

Access log information

Application/service usage history

Purpose of use of personal information

Digital Wallet handles your personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use:

To complete payments and service transactions with Amana Pay

To respond to defects, maintenance, protection, and improvement of our services and provide technical support

To respond to inquiries regarding services and troubles

To use in advertising and marketing

To survey based on online questionnaires

Safety management of personal information

In order to protect our customer’s privacy, Amana Pay masks Passwords.

When entrusting all or part of the handling of a customer’s personal information to a third party, we shall conduct a strict investigation of the third party and oblige the entrusted party to handle personal information safely. Additionally, we will provide necessary and appropriate supervision.

Amana Pay may share your personal information within our Company only if it is subject to this privacy policy as described below.

(1) Shared use is within the Amana group

Each company of Amana Group may share the following personal information with the following joint users after taking protective measures as mentioned below:

A)    Scope and users of group companies

 Amana companies (Amana Bank and Amana Money transfer)

B)    Item with personal information

(i) Information provided by the customer

Email address

Information (name, date of birth, telephone number, address, etc.) entered on our applications, etc. while using our services

(ii) Information collected automatically

Device information

Access log information

Application/service usage history

Cookie information

User ID and authentication information that we assign to customers

C)    Purpose of use of joint users

Scope of purpose described in Article 4

D)    Name or title of the person responsible for the management of shared personal information

Change of this policy

This Privacy Policy can be changed by our company at any time when necessary. The changed Privacy Policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on our service, unless otherwise specified by us.


Address: Trepiano Mogadishu, Somalia

Last revised on March 19, 2022